GAMMA workshop 2021 in Zurich
FH-Prof Klaus Widhalm, PhD student Willi Koller and study assistant Johannes Eichwalder from our research group attended the GAMMA workshop about “Models, methods and functional tests in motion analysis” at the Balgrist University Campus last weekend in Zurich.
The two days were packed with very interesting talks, discussions about clinical decision making and insights into state-of-the-art technology for motion capture. Additionally, participants had the possibility to choose between four hands-on workshops and deepened their knowledge about 3D-guided femoral osteotomies and screening tests for sport specific questions. Also, a new system for weight relief for gait rehabilitation was presented and could be tested.
It always brings valuable knowledge to get in contact with people from the same and also from other fields to see their opinion on specific topics. The possibilities were great for these experiences during the fantastic flying dinner at Wöschi and the breaks in between talks and workshops!