Three abstracts got accepted for the ESMAC conference in Dublin (Ireland)
The purpose of ESMAC (the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children) is to stimulate and advance scientific knowledge, professional interaction and the exchange of ideas among Society members relating to movement analysis in adults and children in clinical and research settings. This year the annual meeting of the ESMAC society will take place from the 19-24 September in Dublin (Ireland). The following three abstract from our research group got accepted for oral presentations at the upcoming ESMAC meeting:
In-toeing gait requires less muscular effort and reduces lower limb joint loads in people with internal torsional deformities (H Kainz, A Kranzl)
The influence of different walking strategies on patellofemoral and tibiofemoral contact forces in individuals with patellofemoral instability (B Guggenberger, B Horsak, A Habersck, C Smith, Svehlik M, H Kainz)
Patella-femoral joint loading during the modified Star Excursion Balance Test: preliminary results of an extensive simulation study (B Horsak, M Simonlehner, B Dumphart, H Kainz, B Killen, I Jonkers)
Additionally, Ass-Prof Hans Kainz together with Prof Massimo Sartori organize the following pre-conference seminar:
Musculoskeletal modelling to support clinical gait analysis: theoretical, practical, and hands-on considerations